Inspired by a Youtube video (German only) of the beautiful Pietzmoor at Lüneburger Heide I decided to go there for a Saturday night sunset and blue hour. The famous Lüneburger Heide is an hour south of Hamburg and a manmade cultural landscape. Besides the "Heide" (heather) you have some spots where "Torf" (peat) was cut in former time. The biggest still existing peat spot is Pietzmoor near the town of Schneverdingen (find location and description here). There is an almost square shaped boardwalk taking you around for 4,5 km. Opposite the peat you have the "Osterheide" where you can walk through the heather for hours. After walking the boardwalk once the sun already set. I walked it again to enjoy the most beautiful spots at blue hour. This is what I came up with.

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Troe (Sunday, 28 August 2016 16:21)
Norddeutsche Tiefebene: unbeatable.